‘We zijn allemaal Jezuïeten’.
De Jezuïeten hebben overal in de wereld hun invloed door het rekruteren van mensen uit door Jezuïeten gecontroleerde universiteiten. De enige reden dat deze personen in top posities komen is de invloed van de Jezuïeten orde. Ze worden opgeleid en geplaatst om de orde en haar agenda te dienen.
“The teaching of the Jesuit must, as we have said elsewhere, be always the same as the teaching of the Church. The Jesuit therefore is obliged, whether he will or not, to teach this disloyalty. But the great evil is, that the Jesuit always practices disloyalty, and has opportunities which other priests and teachers have not, of enforcing his dangerous doctrines.
The Jesuit teaches them in his schools, he teaches them in his colleges, he teaches them to his penitents, not the least important part of his work. Further, he publishes books in this country which teach this disloyalty, and then he comes before a too confiding public and declares that he is a devoted Englishman, and would almost lay down his life in the service of his Queen and country. He plots treason for the greater honour and glory of God, and he proclaims himself honest, while he is practicing deceit of the worst kind. And all this is done in the sacred name of religion.
The Jesuits have their own printing press, their own compositors, their own workmen. They can print what they please, and do what they please, because this is a free country. But surely it is carrying liberty rather far to allow such license for such a purpose.”
Stalin (echte naam: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili), Sovjet Unie dictator
Attendeerde seminary of Tiflis.
Klaus Schwab (WEF)
Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, SS generaal
Jezuïeten priester geworden bij Technische Hochschule München.
Fidel Castro, Cubaanse dictator
Attendeerde Belen Jesuit Preparatory School.
Herman van Rompuy, ondemocratische president van de Europese Raad
Studeerde aan het Gonzaga College.
José Manuel Barroso, ondemocratische president van de Europese Commissie, minister-president van Portugal 2002-2004
Attendeerde Georgetown University.
Mario Draghi, president ECB, premier Italië.
Attendeerde het Massimiliano Massimo Institute.
Bill Clinton, voormalig president USA corp
Attendeerde Georgetown University.
Hans van Mierlo, oprichter D66
Ging naar school op het Canisius college Nijmegen
Ruud Lubbers
Ging naar school op het Canisius college Nijmegen

Emmanuel Macron president van Frankrijk door Jezuiten opgeleid.
Binnenkort meer…
Zie ook: De priester achter de troon, De Jezuïeten en de zwarte Paus, Docu v/d week #92 – The Jesuits Behind the Door, De pauselijke bloedlijnen (afbeelding), De tyrannie van het Vaticaan (lezing), Barry Chamish over de moord op Yitzhak Rabin (presentatie + boek)